Well…our trip has begun! Our thirty-three pound backpacks are in the bottom of our Air Canada flight 756 transferring in Toronto and onto Frankfurt where we’ll board a four hour train to Munich and begin drinking immediately to the famous Hafbrau-haus. Our morning started off like any normal morning…after a delicious breakfast at Bugaloo (22nd & Valencia) we schlepped our bags to the nearest Bart stop. To our demise, as we walked down the stairs we caught a glimpse of the local homeless transvestite “Jerome.” And in all his glory, insanity and probably a little bit of schizophrenia there he was with his cock in hand showering the stairs with his morning piss.
There is obviously several amazing and fantastic things about traveling, but I would have to say one of the best is leaving your cell phone at home. Jess and I both have left our cell phones in the states and I can’t begin to tell you how good that feels. For lack of a better word…FREE. No more “I’m out of toilet paper,” no more “hey Brandon (from Joyler my
installer) they don’t want the soap dispenser,” and no more attachment.
Fuck ya.

I have to throw props to Air Canada for their excellent customer service and fantastic onboard entertainment…and not to mention their food. Us west coast peeps are used to the cheap in and out service (that’s what she said) of Southwest Airlines. Hop on, shut up, fly for 1-3 hours and your done. Air Canada takes it to another level…and I’ll Tarentino this one for you. The flight attendant says to me as she is throwing my trash out, “It is my pleasure to serve you.” Not to

dwell on Air Canada cause we have much bigger fish to fry, but let me know tell you. Their on board entertainment system is the shit. They had everything from HBO shows like Entourage, Flight of the Concords to Hollywood movies, international movies, classic movies…even a documentary about 4 students going to China to study Shaolin Kung Fu. Everything was free. Even the 3 glasses of wine. Check out the picture, they even had a 110v outlet and a usb port. Nice!