Hi everybody! Or Guten Morgen everbodenhosensteingrenhoffen as they would say here in Germany! Safe and sound we arrived in Frankfurt yesterday morning and got right on the 4 hour train to Munich, took a little bus to hotel - Hotel Elizabeth Princessa. Our hotel is beautiful, 4 star, super nice staff and good little neighborhood. Once we settled it was around 6 pm and we went out on the town in search of the Hofbraugh-Haus to get our selves some well-

deserved giant beers. That took us right in the middle of the tourism, fresh markets, german sausages and pretzels everywhere, beautiful architecture and bustling beer gardens. We sat outside at a table with an incredibly nice and friendly family of four from Holland who gave us their info for the
last leg of our trip in Amsterdamn. After achieving a substantial buzz off a liter of genuine german Hef-Weiss we picked up some chicken and rice (Brandon’s meal of choice these days), and stumbled down the cobblestone streets to a questionably gay bar (we still aren’t sure about those purple v-necks) and had some cheap beer. There was an attendant at the bathroom selling marshmallows.
The german language is so disorienting

to be around. It literally makes you feel like you are on a different planet. Planet Carbs that it. Everywhere you look its bread, bread, beer and more bread. A liter of Franziskaner is about 1.3 euro that is about 2 us dollars for a big bottle of delicious beer. Everyone is incredibly friendly and helpful although its pretty sad when they are trying to be nice and help us out and we stand there looking at them like their face is melting off because we have NO CLUE what they are saying.
Per usual I couldn’t sleep so Brandon and I woke up at around 4 am this morning and found ourselves dinning at the local gas station by 5:15. Kaffee and panni’s table service inside the gas station. This was pretty comical to us once we realized exactly what we were doing and how freaking confused we looked. We asked our “waiter” aka gas attendent what time it was and he said it was 24:6. Hmmmmm. It was 5:47. With our unexpected early start we fit in a little workout in our hotel gym, showered and are now going to explore Munchen and visit the Dousche concentration camp.
Tomorrow we are off to Sicily where we will rendez-vous with our mail order pal Guiseppe. Gotta leave by 3am tomorrow so it should be an early night although who knows. AufWiedersehen!