Munich day 2 and 3
Our second day in Munich was pretty much our only full day to sight see around the city. After our crack of dawn 5 am breakfast we had some time to kill before our trip out to Dachau, so we decided to head up to the Olympic Stadium and BMW factory/museum/welt. Home to the ‘72 Summer Olympics the site with the huge pool and park and arenas really a site to see, crazy architectural design looked like spiderman spat his web all over the buildings. It was surrounded by a beautiful park with a lake and street vendors, a mini golf park and cafes. Then we went to what we thought was the BMW museum but was actually the welt. There we got to see some dude ride up a huge staircase on a motorcycle. Sweeet. Then it was off to Dachau, the concentratio
n camp, where we had a 2 hour tour which was absolutely amazing. Insane to see where all this history went down. They took us through the SS Nazi buildings, through the barracks which were built to house 250 people in each and ended up sleeping over 2000 in each. Probably the most intense was seeing the actual crematorium and gas chamber which we walked through. So heartbreaking. More to write about that later probably.

After we left we were STARVING as usual so Brandon gave in a tried some of the ridiculous german street food, basically some giant pink slice of ham/cow/turkey/mystery meat on a roll with sweet mustard. It actually wasn’t too bad! Needless to say we took 2 bites, threw it away and carried on to the delicious Indian restaurant right around the corner from our hotel. This was seriously one of the best meals I have had in a long time. Being closer to India must make a difference, eh? Went back to the hotel, watched an episode of “its always sunny” and passed out by 9 oclock, shortly after

realizing that our flight to Sicily which we thought was at 6 am the next morning was actually the next day. Oops. Being as pooped as we were we decided to give ourselves a day of doing absolutely nothing, and booked a hotel near the airport. Once again we both woke up at 2 am the next morning cuz our sleeping habits are so off. Dilly dallied around the hotel til about 6 when we set out on a nice morning walk around the city in search of croissants like aimee and I had in spain and eggs. No eggs in germany. They looked at us like we were crazy when we asked the people in the cafes for eggs. After that we packed up our stuff and took the train to our hotel by the airport. Soooo nice. Hotwire actually came through this time.
The craziest part about all of this is, for my friends back in marin, we ran into Maria and Netto (Lua’s parents) in the hotel lobby. These are the parents of my friend growing up who unfortunately passed away shortly after we graduated high school. Netto is a musician and is finishing up his European tour, they were just heading out to a gig when we ran into them. I have not seen them for years and let me tell you, that was something else to run into them so randomly like that. What a small freakin world it is out there. Then now its early to bed for our flight to Sicily where we will meet Guiseppe and our Sicilian family who is taking us in! We cannot wait….Caio.
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