Let’s talk about Europe and the things they do differently. Open forum for all friends and family, cause I would certainly love to hear your opinion on all subject matters. And for those who haven’t been, well I guess your just gonna have to take my word it on it huh?
First, my favorite topic of digestion, I mean discussion….food. My love and hate (for lack of a better word) relationship with food in Euro
pe started in Germany at a gas station

Numero uno (in italiano as I’m at the Sicily airport on our way to Florence). The café.(coffee) The café was fantastic. Frothy at the top, perfect blend and hot enough to last 20 minutes. Now you ask yourself sitting in this gas station at 4:30am in the morning, damn…can this coffee be
this good? The answer is yes. This good. Europe takes their coffee very seriously and I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy at least 2 cups a day. Let’s compare. In America, if I was at an “On the Run” at 4:30am in the morning, they would have that nasty grainy coffee sitting in the coffee pot you have to put 3 creamers and 5 sugars in to bear the taste. Mind you they haven’t made a fresh pot since the night truckers came through 3 hours earlier and a new one doesn’t come on till 5am. And just for the record…this cup of coffee I had could blow Starbucks drip outta the water anyday. ANYWAY… Numero due. The Panini. Now the Panini we had was freshly baked crusted bread with mozzarella cheese, “turkey” (which is really a mix of pork and chicken) and oregano. Delicious. I wanted another one as soon as I finished but I held off cause I didn’t want to be to full for the workout. ANYWAY, here’s the thing. In America, at the majority of gas stations, airports and truck stops (TA, or Toltecs) your only options are pre-made, thinly sliced sandwiches that are wrapped in plastic and made in China. That or the salty trail mix,
watermelon bubble gum and ritz crakers for $7.99. My point is two fold. One, “the working man,” traveling man food is excellent in comparison to America’s. BUT…the problem is, is that it’s everywhere! In Munich, in Sicily… all the street food, airport food, all the truck stops, all the
gas stations have the same thing. Over and over again, mounds and mounds of Panini’s, “turkey” sandwiches, caprese, ect…. Point is there is no variety. Now America on the other hand is fantastic for an assortment of selections. Example. Sky Harbor airport, Phoenix, Arizona…you have your choice. Do I feel like Flo’s Asian cuisine, maybe some chicken and rice (J Stapes) or d
o I feel like a veggie sandwich from Paradise café (Jordan and Jess)? Do I feel like baby back ribs from Chili’s to go, or having my once every six month’s whopper from Burger King? I don’t know…I don’t know. Choices. I love them. That’s what’s great about America.
As far as why this is I have an idea. In America, we are full of diversity. Full of Asians, Mexicans, Italians…a melting pot as they say. So…what do we get? A shit load of choices when deciding where to dine. But in Germany, or Italy…the majority of the population is those named after the country. Now I don’t know if they are just that prideful that they won’t let some new flavors come in, but dammit…didn’t they know B
Cohen wanted chicken and rice at least once a week?

And now...some random Sicily pics

The most beautiful view we have ever seen.

I had to...I just had to. Me in my natural state.
The best chef in sicily, Conchetta and the rest of the Sicilian crew!
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